
Web-Based Polymorphic Runtime Crypter


PolyCrypt offers many features and options. Read below:


The injection method used to crypt your file and evade antivirus software.


Select which Subsystem the final crypted file should be
Windows (GUI): for executables that have GUI interface or hidden GUI.
Console (CUI): for console based executables.


Select which Output extension the final crypted file should be.
Note: make sure to enter Shortcut Name when selecting .lnk!

 Custom Binary

To upload a Custom Binary to clone its Icon, Assembly Info, Resource & Certificate.

 Icon Changer

To customize and change the look of the crypted file. Recommended for better Scantime results!


To change the description and information about the crypted file. you can type any custom values or clone from Custom Binary you choose.


The Manifest file allows you to inform how Windows treat your executable, for example to only make it run as Administrator.

asInvoker: The application will run with the same permissions as the process that started it. The application can be elevated to a higher permission level by selecting Run as Administrator.

highestAvailable: The application will run with the highest permission level that it can. If the user who starts the application is a member of the Administrators group, this option is the same as requireAdministrator. If the highest available permission level is higher than the level of the opening process, the system will prompt for credentials.

requireAdministrator: The application will run with administrator permissions. The user who starts the application must be a member of the Administrators group. If the opening process is not running with administrative permissions, the system will prompt for credentials.

be careful when you clone manifest file from another binary, as it may corrupt your file and won't let it run in some cases. It is safe to use a custom one though.


Copy all resources from Custom Binary

Copies all resources available from the Custom Binary you choose. May possibly corrupt your file because of copied manifest too. use with caution. (must disable Icon, Assembly & Manifest Settings to use)

Replace DOS Header

Modifies a binary file by replacing the first 64 bytes of its DOS header with custom values. Adds a standard DOS stub that displays the message "This program cannot be run in DOS mode" when executed in DOS. This is commonly found in Windows executables. Use with caution as modifying the DOS header may potentially corrupt the file.

Randomize Section Names

Modifies a PE file by renaming its sections to random, commonly used section names. This can be useful for obfuscation purposes. Use with caution as this can potentially corrupt the file.

Fix Checksum

Fixes the checksum in PE files. This function updates the checksum in the PE header to ensure it is correct. Use with caution to avoid issues with critical files.


Patchy modifies PE files by applying various obfuscation techniques. These include introducing anti-debugging measures, adding delays, padding the binary with extra data, adjusting function code, and more. It also updates metadata such as timestamps and checksums. By randomizing elements and injecting additional functions, Patchy makes reverse engineering more challenging. Use with caution, as some changes may impact file stability or lead to corruption.


StripReloc reduces the size of PE files by removing relocation entries that are unnecessary for files loaded at a fixed address. This optimization decreases the file's footprint and can enhance load times. While effective, improper use may result in files that fail to run on certain systems. Use carefully to avoid compatibility issues.


To sign your final crypted output with either spoofed certificate from a hostname or clone from Custom Binary you choose.

Some hostname don't allow you to do that, however when it fails to spoof it will show an error and your key won't be consumed.

Some files are also protected from cloning their signature.

Spoofed or cloned certificates are not valid by any chance, do not attempt to create fake programs or abuse. This is for experimental testing and security research only.

Including a spoofed or cloned fake signature may possibly increase or decrease evasion chance for some antivirus software.